About Us

We were the only Graduate Institute of Science Education set in the east part of Taiwan since August 1997. And this also play the pioneer of all nine Teachers’ Colleges at that time.

Two inter-related goals set for the development of our Institute. One is research in science education and the other is promotion of teachers’ professional development in science teaching and research conducting. In order for achieving such goals, our program integrates theory into practice. Each faculty has his or her expertise and research lines in teaching and research. Our teaching also emphasizes hands-on activities including many outdoor explorations without ignoring minds-on critical thinking. In short, out program builds all of our teaching and research efforts upon major Constructivism principles.


Our Teaching and Research


Course Titles/Content

Science and Society

Philosophy and History of Science, Social Interaction, Social Scientific Issues, General Education, Nature of Science, Scientific Literacy for All

Medium and Science Learning

Information Education, Digital Learning, Psychology of Science Learning, Cognition and Science Education, Development of Scientific Conception, Popular Science and Communication

Culture and Language

Aboriginal Science Education, Multi-culture and Science Education, Science Text Analysis, Discourse Analysis

Professional Development for Teachers

Science Teaching: Theory into Practice, Professional Development of Science Teachers, Curriculum Design, Assessment and Evaluation


About GISE     FACULTY     Master Course    PHD Course
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